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Tuesday, 15 November 2022 15:18

Interview tips for Engineers

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How to prepare for your upcoming Engineering interview...

Talented engineers are in high demand by startups and tech giants. For those looking for a new role within engineering, there are plenty of opportunities available. However, jobs aren't being given away easily and vigorous interview processes are taking place.

To successfully land your dream engineering role, interview preparation is key, here are a couple of Busy Bee’s top tips to help you prepare.

Solid understanding of the company

Prior to any job interview, it is essential to research the company. Be prepared to answer questions about why you want to work for the company, alongside explaining what they do. Throughout the interview, be prepared to incorporate your research within your answers.

Taking the time to note down key points you want to mention about the company within your interview is a great idea. Showing you have taken time to research and get to know more about the place where you are hoping to work could be the deciding factor between yourself and another candidate.

Be yourself

Aside from all the amazing technical skills and experience you possess, allow the interviewer to get to know you. Try to be yourself throughout the interview, whilst presenting yourself in a professional manner.

On the hand, don’t try too hard! Interviews are a chance for you to see if the company is the right fit for you. If you feel the interviewer makes you uncomfortable, it may be that it’s the right opportunity! Remember, interview skills lead to success in today’s candidate-driven engineering job market. Take away positives from every interview to build your confidence in the next.

Examples of engineering achievements

A chance for you to impress the interviewer is by using examples of your achievements when answering questions. This may be when answering project related questions, alternatively when giving examples to show your problem-solving skills.

Project-based questions

Discuss your specific role on a project, and the end result. What did you accomplish?

Problem-solving questions

Engineers of all disciplines are often asked, “How would you approach this problem…”, since hiring managers need to know that you can apply your technical knowledge in a reasonable and methodical manner. The interviewer wants to get an idea of how you think and observe how you communicate your answer.
Dress professionally

Needless to say, first impressions count! From a recruiter’s point of view, there is nothing worse than a candidate turning up for an interview underdressed. It is always safer to dress too professionally than not enough! Recruiters and Hiring Managers will always be happy to inform you of a dress code, should you be unsure. Don’t lose out on your dream job due to your outfit, stick to a smart professional dress code when attending interviews.

If you are looking for an engineering job in Cambridge, and surrounding areas, check out our latest vacancies, alternatively submit a CV.


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