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Monday, 04 April 2022 15:05

How to Stay Positive at Work

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Tips to help you stay positive at work...

Whether it's the Monday Blues or you are just finding it difficult to remain positive at work, here are our top tips to keep you happy during the working day.

Take criticism positively

Whether it’s your annual review or a departmental catch-up, do not let criticism bring you down. Where possible, find the positive in the criticism look at how you can use this advice to improve your work. Furthermore, do not compare yourself to your coworkers, if someone is excelling in an area you may be struggling in, ask for their advice and compliment their achievements.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

It is easy to neglect your day-to-day health whilst at work. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day and to maintain a healthy diet. Although it is a minor change to your day-to-day routine it will help keep you energised and improve your attitude throughout the day.

Reward yourself

Reward yourself once a month for your hard work. Whether it’s a new pair of shoes or a holiday, keep the reward in mind for when you might not feel that great at work. Treating yourself often or as a pay-day treat will make you happy out of work, and in turn reflect positively in work.

Don't fear situations

One thing that can cause the feeling of negativity is the unknown. If you have a client meeting or a review that you are dreading try not to fear the situation. Consider the positive outcomes that could happen, for example closing a sale or achieving a salary increase, and keep those in mind rather than focussing on the negative.

Find the positive in the negative

You’ve got a massive to do list and your coworkers keep adding to it, we’ve all been there. Rather than moaning and making yourself feel more negative about the situations, look at how you can see the positive. For example if your Manager keeps adding to your workload, consider how you can use this time to improve your organisation and time management skills. After all, your Manager would not have given you additional work if they didn’t think you were capable of delivering the end result.

Read more blogs from Busy Bee Recruitment here.


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