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Thursday, 23 March 2023 09:11

Daily mindfulness tips

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The practice of mindfulness is to help reduce anxiety and stress and allow us to be more present in everyday life. Here are a few tasks we can do daily to help…


Gratitude List

Creating a gratitude list may help improve well-being and promote Trusted Source positivity by helping you focus on the things that you’re grateful for. This is a good task to do first thing in the morning

Walking Meditation

Walking Meditation is exactly what it sounds like, walking and taking your surroundings, your breathing and the noises you here and the fresh air you feel.

Journal your day

Journal your day in the evenings, this helps you to evaluate your day, how you feel, your emotions and what you can do tomorrow differently.

Focus on one task at a time – no multitasking

Focus on one task at a time and finishing each task. Multitasking can often lead to mistakes and a rise in stress levels. Finishing a task is rewarding and encourages you to remain calm during the task.

Body Scanning

Body scan meditation is a simple, relaxing way to calm the mind and body. It involves using awareness to mindfully scan your body for sensations, like pain or tension. To practice, you simply lie down, relax the body, and tune in to what you’re feeling.

Eat your meals without any distractions

This forces you to think about the food you are eating, how you are feeling and can sometimes be a time to be present with family, friends.

Sit in the sunshine

Sit in the sunshine and focus on how it feels on your skin and the warmth it brings.

Walk barefoot!

Walk barefoot and feel your feet on the ground, this helps you to feel grounded and present. Focus on the texture of the ground.

Listen to music and fully immerse yourself in the sounds

The type of music depends on your own individual taste, your mood etc.

And the last but most important task is to BREATH, practice mindful slow breathing on a daily basis!


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