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Wednesday, 11 January 2023 11:00

How to market your business

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Why is marketing important?

Now that the world is becoming more reliant on technology, suddenly the world of marketing has become more known. Without marketing your business how is anyone going to know who you are, what you do and what you sell? Marketing is one of the most important processes a business can do, it is what attracts your audience and enables constant engagement. Before you post your content you need to know who you are posting it out to and why.

Here's a few tips to help you along the way:

Know your audience:

Knowing your audience is your key to success. Think about what your audience want to read and how it will help them. By knowing what your audience want this can help you develop effective marketing strategies. You need to understand your audiences age range, values and personalities. Marketing enables you to engage with your audience and to update and inform them of any updates or changes.

Audience engagement is a connection between a customer and a business. The more you engage, the more you will sell and gain a good reputation. Research from Forbes shows that if you have a good engagement rate you are more likely to have loyal customers, more sales and sometimes even brand ambassadors.

Social media:

Businesses use social media to market their business and create new ideas. Social media enhances your online presence and can form relationships which lead to new business. Before you market your business across social media, just make sure you know your audience and understand what you are selling. Social media is one of the main selling points for your business, it enables you to shout about your business, gain new business and engage with your audience.

The main benefits of social media:

  • Reaches all ages and audiences
  • Effective communication
  • New and repeat business
  • Increases SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
  • Networking
  • Testimonials
  • Enables you to track competition
  • Branding
  • New ideas

Social media allows your audience to connect with you on a personal level which means they can watch your every move. Every brand is different so let yours stand out!


Testimonials allow customers to address their positive and negative experiences. Good feedback is a very important part of a business. Customers always read reviews before they purchase a product, if you have have good reviews then you are more likely to gain the sales you want. Testimonials enable you to maintain your reputation and gain new business. It’s also a chance for you to shout about all of the positive feedback that you receive by posting it on social media.

It is also good to have a mixture of good and bad reviews. Apparent research from VIEO Design tells us that 68% of the public trust companies reviews more when they see positive and negative ones. Never fake a testimonial as this can be detrimental to your companies reputation. If you post fake feedback then your customers won’t think that you are trustworthy, loyal and honest about the products that you are selling. Honest and positive feedback is what will attract your customers so make sure you are always posting true feedback!

Looking for a specialist marketing recruiter? Get in touch wit Fausta Linkeviciute or Aimee Drayton on 01353 880253 / 01223 628742 to discuss your requirements!

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