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Monday, 09 December 2019 16:14

How volunteering can help your job search

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It goes without saying that there are lots of benefits to volunteering your time to charity. However, have you considered how donating your time can assist with your job search?

Here are 5 ways volunteering can help with your job search:

Gain experience

Employers want experience, even if this is not workplace experience, volunteer experience is just as impressive. It can show your time management skills, ability to work in a team or independently, alongside showing your commitment. Including volunteering experience within your CV can show employers you have the positive attitude and skills they are looking for. Particularly beneficial to school-leavers and graduates who may have little or no work experience.

Makes you happier during your job search

Don’t let being job searching get you down. Doing something meaningful such as volunteering will boost your mood and motivate you to continue with your job search. It will give you a sense of purpose and you will feel rewarded from the work you are doing. Volunteering is a great way to avoid becoming demotivated or miserable during your job search.

Get offered a job

There’s always a chance the organisation you’ve been volunteering for will offer you a job. If you treat your volunteering work with the same ethic as you would in a paid role, it is likely to pay-off. Alternatively, if a job isn’t offered at least you have a great reference to use for future roles.

Fill in employment gaps

If you’re unemployed and looking for work, volunteering can be a great way to fill in the gaps on your CV. It shows you are being proactive. Recruiter’s and Hiring Manager’s will certainly be impressed by your initiative to spend your unemployment time wisely.

Builds confidence

Staying confident during your job search can be difficult, particularly if you have been turned down for roles. Volunteering will encourage you in your search for a new job or career direction. Keeping you feeling active, useful and productive. This will all help with building your confidence. For more tips, check out our blog post, How to Increase Confidence.

Are you looking for a job in Soham, Ely, Cambridge or surrounding areas? Get in touch with the Busy Bee team today to discuss your job search, or submit a CV.


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