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Tuesday, 01 February 2022 18:59

The Rounded CV

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Guest blog - provided to us by Simon Hall, Simon Hall runs his own business communication agency, Creative Warehouse, and is a journalist, author, business coach and university tutor

A common question jobseekers often ask is:

What should be on my CV?


Much of the answer is obvious.

Your relevant experience, of course, work history, and qualifications. 

But there is something else which can be critical to cracking a job opportunity:

- making sure your CV is rounded.


What do I mean by that?


I’ve been teaching students at the University of Cambridge about careers in the media.


The photo above is one of the rather mean exercises I set, which they have to do in teams in only four minutes!


Anyway, back to the point of this blog…


Given that the students have worked their way into one of the finest universities in the world, it’s hard to question their academic abilities.

But if I was considering them for a job at my old employer, the BBC, I would look carefully at other areas of their CV.

Because that can tell me a great deal about the person I’m considering employing.


In essence, it helps me determine whether they are going to be a great asset to the organisation, and also, importantly…

Whether I’m going to enjoy having them around. 


When I’m lecturing the students, I always advise them not to waste their University years.

Part of that is getting a good degree, part is making great friends who will stay with them for life. 

But another element is showing they value, and put to good use their most precious commodity:


- their time. 


If they’re interested in a career in the media, they should try working on student newspapers, radio, and television. 

Likewise, if it’s medicine, law, or anything else, they should try to pick up some relevant work experience.

Something leisure related, sport or a hobby is also revealing.


If I don’t see that combination on a CV, I ask myself whether this person is really committed, a self starter, someone full of energy and enthusiasm, who wants to make the best of their life.

In short, someone we would want on board.


So if you’re starting to look for a job, or even thinking about a new future, go try some different experiences.

They might be professional, they might be personal, but whatever they are, just don’t waste your time.


Whether it’s trying a new career for size through talking to those already engaged in it, and maybe shadowing them, learning a new skill, or perhaps a language, trying writing a blog or a book, even something like learning about the wonderful range of birds you can find in your garden or surrounding area…

All those show me someone who will be full of ideas and energy, determined to always make the most of opportunities and fulfil their potential. 

Then pop them on your CV.

It may seem like a small point, but as the old saying goes…


- it’s the little things that count. 


And a CV with such rounding says a lot about a person, and greatly adds to their appeal.


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