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Friday, 29 November 2019 17:00

How to make yourself more employable

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Do you feel like your CV is a bit average, and does not make you stand out from the crowd? Here are some top tips to make you more employable, and impressive as a candidate to attract Hiring Manager and Recruiters!

Travel experience

Cosmopolitan published details of a Hostelworld study that found people with travel experience are perceived to have better job prospects. 82% of recruiters surveyed thought that having travel on your CV makes you more employable.

Digital skills

Workplaces are increasingly dependent on the use of technology, for example, computers and smartphones, so a majority of roles now require a good level of tech skills. Any digital presence you have, such as a blog, vlog, website or a professional social media account, can be an asset if you share it on your CV and keep it updated.

Voluntary or charity projects

Voluntary work will always look great on your CV, but it becomes extra important if it relates to your industry, especially if you are targeting the type of job that has far too many applicants in the first place.

Emphasise desired skills

In a competitive job market, the best thing you can do to get an edge is to have desirable skills. Depending on the positions you’re seeking and the industry you hope to work in, different skills will be desirable. One way to strongly improve your employability in any field is by demonstrating a commitment to ongoing learning.

Positive work ethic

While experience, skills, and talents are all vitally important to a potential employer, what matters most is your work ethic, willingness and ability to learn, and a stellar attitude. If you combine the above elements with a winning attitude, your employability is sure to skyrocket.


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